Good to know I will look into your farm!
Thank you
]]>We would be happy to accept a sample pack from your farm and will definitely place your farm on our next update!
]]>My name is Kevin. I recently stumbled across your work while researching the best places to buy grass-fed beef in Ontario. I have to say I was impressed with how in-depth and through your list was, and all of your information about how to implement a paleo lifestyle couldn’t have found me at a better time.
I’m contacting you on behalf of Nutrafarms. An Ontario based company that also supplies locally-raised, grass-fed beef. The slight difference being, we service all of Ontario rather than just smaller communities.
We are familiar with the other farms you mentioned on your list and fell like our beef stacks up very well by comparison.
We are wondering if we could send you a sample pack of some different cuts of meat, in hopes that you’ll consider us when you revise your list of Ontario grass-fed beef suppliers?
Kevin Fabris
On Behalf Of Nutrafarms